Business owners are risk-takers by nature. Interestingly, however, is the fact that these same owners are often-times not risk averse. What this means is that owners Read More...
The Myth of Easy Exits
Business owners who are thinking about exiting their business will often want to compare their potential exits to other owners who have been through an exit. A potential Read More...
Exit Planning is a Complex Decision and a Complex Transaction
How to master both for a successful result. When considering an exit from your privately-held business, there are a number of obstacles that can get in the way of Read More...
Golden Handcuffs
Make sure your most talented key executives don’t leave when you need them most. Introduction: Joe Smith had built a successful business over a 40-year working career Read More...
Avoid The Most Common Business Succession Planning Mistake
An incomplete plan is worse than no plan. A few years back, a business owner came in to see me with a problem. He and his brother owned a landscaping and excavation Read More...